Getting Started With IVI and Visual C++
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2008-08-05 13:40:14 UTC
Hello, I am totally new to working with this kind of technology so I don't have any specific questions just a cry for help! :PI have been tasked with (amongst other things) writing some software to interract with digital oscilloscopes (currently using a TDS 2022B DSO but it needs to be as generic as possible hence using IVI).Frankly I am not even sure how to get started so I'll post some information on the technology I am using.I am working in Visual Studio 2003 with C++, I am downloading the trial version of measurement studio. I have VISA 4.4 and have installed the IVI Compliance package and the driver software for the instrument itself.Any help and advice on getting started off with this would be very much appreciated!If you need any more info from me I'll do my best to provide it!ThanksDavid
2008-08-05 15:10:16 UTC
Hi Dave, I noticed your post, and there is one on oscilloscope in the labview forum:http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=325072As for IVI and C++:heres a tutorial on instrument control in labwindows/CVI:http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3512#toc0with related links at the bottom concerning IVI too.I hope this helps
2008-08-05 16:10:11 UTC
Thanks. Just to further explain I've just graduated in programming/electronics and am on a tempory job. My experience is only with Java, Ansi C and some microcontroller work so this is all completely new for me. At the moment I'm really just trying to get my head round the technology and how everything interracts. So the first thing to do i guess is to get something set up to communicate between the device and something i can write in visual studio.Do i need to use something like labwindows to write a seperate program/driver or is there something i can do from within visual studio? If i need something seperate like labWindows how do I link in with whatever I'm going to be writing in visual studio?
Dennis Knutson
2008-08-05 17:10:10 UTC
I can't help at all with C++ except point you to the tutorial at <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2742" target="_blank">http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2742</a>. You would only need LabWindows/CVI if you were creating you own IVI-C driver.
2008-08-15 14:40:27 UTC
Hey guys,&nbsp;Sorry for the late reply. &nbsp;Thanks for all your help its got me to the point where I know enough of whats going on that I can actually get started! &nbsp;However I'm actually just going to be working directly with VISA from C++ so no need for labview etc. (trying to keep the costs down!)&nbsp;Thanks again!David
Tom O
2008-08-06 13:40:13 UTC
Hillman's link was for CVI, which won't compile C++. You don't need to use CVI to develop with the IVI drivers. However, some of the information there may be useful - your C++ environment will compile C, too. Dennis's link will also be handy. The documentation that accompanies the drivers (which you can download here) contains information about using them with a variety of languages. Integrating C code with your C++ application may be the best way forward, as IVI with C code is more commonly used.I hope you're able to get up and running OK!
Tom O
2008-08-06 14:10:12 UTC
Sorry, I meant to link you <a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/1095/lang/en" target="_blank">here</a> for the latest version of the IVI driver compliance package, but it sounds like you have it already.
2008-08-08 15:40:12 UTC
Hi Dave,
Here are some&nbsp;links:
<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4562" target="_blank">http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4562</a>
<a href="http://www.ni.com/ivi/" target="_blank">http://www.ni.com/ivi/</a>
<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/fn/p/sn/n24:measurementandinstrumentation.InstrumentControl.InstrumentDrivers.Develop.IVIDevelop" target="_blank">http://zone.ni.com/devzone/fn/p/sn/n24:measurementandinstrumentation.InstrumentControl.InstrumentDrivers.Develop.IVIDevelop</a>