Virtual Names
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2008-07-29 13:10:10 UTC
Hi guys
i have a problem
i have a software that use ividcpwr to control DCPOWERS by ethernet.
And in the application, first i create a logical name that points to the ip and the software module that you needs.
In a second part of my applications i create a virtual name to refers a channel.
All is ok, the virtual name is created in my config store.
immediately after of i create the virtual name, i use the virtual name and the measure functions of ividcpower to know the value in the channel
But the problem is the next:
if i execute my software, all is ok, but the measure functions fails. (But the virtual name yes is created in mi confgi store)
Error es -1074135008Unknown channel or repeated capability name.
if i execute other time my software, and i dont remove the virtual name, the measure functions doesn't fail.
Anyone can said me why?
Sorry by my english,
2008-07-30 13:10:10 UTC
Hello Geodo,         What development environment are you using?  What instrument models are you controlling?  Are you using IVI-C or IVI-COM?  Please post links to the IVI Specific Drivers that you are using.I recommend configuring the IVI Driver Session in Measurement and Automation Explorer and not doing that in your application.Cheers,NathanT
2008-07-31 10:10:18 UTC
Hello Nathan
I'm using IVI-C, but with ADA language. I have made the binding of the functions and its correctly.
I'm working with GPS (GNAT PRO STUDIO).
I`m probing with de N6700 IVI driver, and the class driver for IVIDCPWR
I have made too the bindign for IVICOnfigurationServer.h and i create the logical names and virtual names with ADA.
I want a software that with the name of the model and the ip be able to create a logical name that reffers to the software module and hardware asset correctly. And with that name init the conection with the instruments.
But it happens the problem with the virtual names...
2008-07-31 14:40:25 UTC
Hello geodo,         I installed the IVI-C agn6700 IVI Driver and it did not add any virtual names, which usually means that they are not necessary.  If you don't create any virtual names, does the measurement function work correctly?Cheers,NathanT
2008-08-01 08:10:30 UTC
Yes its works correctly
I wanted to add a virtual name and use it, but i can only use the virtual name without error in a second execution of my software (if in the first execution tje virtual names were created)
i think that i could use the virtual name in the first execution because i create the virtual name berfore i use it to configure somo parameters of the isntruments.
But i have an error in the first execution that says me that the channel name is not correct
i dont know why..
2008-08-01 15:10:11 UTC
Hello Geodo,        It is certainly interesting that the Virtual Names work correctly in the second execution of your software.  Maybe that is because the Config Store gets reloaded into memory with the new Virtual Names in the second execution.  You could try just having a completely separate program that updates the Virtual Names and then see if the first execution of a completely separate program that communicates with the instrument recognizes the Virtual Names correctly.Let us know how it goes,NathanT
2008-08-04 10:10:13 UTC
Hello Nathan
If i separate the executions to create virtual names
and the executions to use virtual names
there is not a problem
its correctly
but for example when i create the logical name, i can use it in the same executions
2008-08-13 11:10:11 UTC
HHEllo guys i can reply myself about this post The problem was that i create logical name in config store, then i initialize my intruments and i recieve a sessiion. Then i create VirtualNames. If i use the virtual name with the session created before its not running. Solution : i have to create the virtual names before i init my intrument and take a session. CheersJose Joaquin
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