Install GPIB SW Version 1.7 unde winxp SP1
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2008-08-11 19:40:14 UTC
I am also getting this exact same message.&nbsp; I am trying to Install NI-488.2 v1.7 for PC/104.&nbsp; When I run the wizard to verify hardware, it eventually leads me to check the event viewer for a resource error.&nbsp; Instead, I get these two errors: 1.&nbsp; The parameter is incorrect.2.&nbsp; The GPIB Device Class Driver depends on the GPIB Board Class Group and no member of this group started.I am running this on a <a href="http://www.versalogic.com/products/Manuals/MEPIC-2.pdf" target="_blank">EPIC-2</a> by VersaLogic currently running WinXP SP2. I can't use any other drivers because 1.7 was the only one to support PC/104 and WinXP for GPIB.-Aaron
Meghan R
2008-08-12 22:10:10 UTC
Hi Aaron, Can you describe exactly what is happening when you install the driver?&nbsp; Also, did you download the driver or is it from a cd?&nbsp; If it's not from the website, please download it from the NI<a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/sn/n23:3.25/lang/en" target="_blank"> Drivers page</a>. Thanks!Meghan RApplications EngineerNational Instruments
2008-08-12 22:40:21 UTC
Meghan, The driver seems to install just fine (no errors during installation).&nbsp; Then, when I open the hardware under NI-MAX, it says that the GPIB Interfaces had issues loading.&nbsp; So I open the Troubleshooting wizard, and it checks for:- NI-488.2 Software Presence Verified (Passes)
- GPIB Hardware Presence Verified (Passes)
- GPIB Interfaces Sequentially Verified (Fails!)
One recommended fix for this is to look to see if resources are conflicting by looking at the Event Viewer.&nbsp; I did not see anything that relates to a resource conflict, but there are two events, the ones that are stated above.The driver I have is from the CD.&nbsp; You cannot download V 1.7 from your website, in fact it just sends me in circles:"NI-488.2 v1.7 is no longer available for download. Refer to the <a href="http://www.ni.com/support/gpib/versions.htm" target="_blank">NI-488.2 current driver versions table</a> for an appropriate driver for your hardware / operating system combination. If you require NI-488.2 v1.7, please visit the <a href="http://www.ni.com/support/gpib/drivers/" target="_blank">Legacy NI-488.2 Driver Request</a> page." The computer I'm using is an EPIC form factor with a PC/104 interface and we are using the NI PC/104-GPIB boards.&nbsp; The system is running WinXP.-Aaron
Meghan R
2008-08-13 16:10:11 UTC
Hi Aaron, &nbsp;Please use the <a href="http://www.ni.com/support/gpib/drivers/" target="_blank">Legacy NI-488.2 Driver Request</a> page and request that driver.&nbsp; I'd like to make sure the driver you're using is working properly. &nbsp; &nbsp;Also, you can try running the Hardware Diagonostic test.&nbsp; From page 4-2 of <a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370916a.pdf" target="_blank">the manual</a> for the device:
Run the Hardware Diagnostic Test
To verify and test the hardware installation, run the Hardware Diagnostic Test that came
with your NI-488.2 software. The test verifies that your hardware is functioning properly
and that the configuration of your PC/104-GPIB does not conflict with anything else in
your system.
To run the test, double-click on the Hardware Diagnostic Test icon in the NI-488.2
GPIB Software group in the Program Manager.
If the Hardware Diagnostic Test completes with no errors, your hardware is functioning
properly. If it returns an error message, refer to the next section for troubleshooting
instructions. &nbsp; Let me know how that test goes.&nbsp; Thanks! &nbsp;Meghan RApplications Engineer&nbsp;National Instruments
2008-08-13 16:40:14 UTC
Meghan,&nbsp;I decided to scrap the PC/104 for the current development and just use the GPIB-USB-HS in the mean time.&nbsp; I'm working on making another setup right now to continue testing the PC/104 cards in a few days.&nbsp; Thanks for the tips.&nbsp;I also have a support request in (Reference # 7206839) that Chris G. is helping me out with.&nbsp;I'll let you know how that goes when I get it going.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks,Aaron&nbsp;