Labview 6 MAC
(too old to reply)
2008-08-12 18:40:11 UTC
I'm a user of Labview 6.0 MAC. I wrote a program to drive Agilent 34420A, and obtained incorrect string "+;/???;2>;;77777778" instead of numbers. Who knows how to solve the problem? The program is attached. Thanks. John12345

2008-08-14 00:10:11 UTC
Hi John, Can you please post the programming manual? Also, I looked at your VI and was wondering if you can tell me what are you expecting to see in response to the commands you are sending.
Thank you,
Dennis Knutson
2008-08-14 03:40:10 UTC
I don't have the instrument so I can't run your code. Some of the commands are a bit different than what is in the driver but I don't know if that is your problem. I can post the Read VI that is in the driver. Try that. And always try everything in MAX before trying to write any code. And think about upgrading.:smileywink: p.s. Why are you using the GPIB functions and not VISA. Even when LabVIEW was current, the recomended api was VISA.

34420 Read.PNG:
http://forums.ni.com/ni/attachments/ni/140/31555/1/34420 Read.PNG
2008-08-14 15:40:14 UTC
Hi Simran, The program is a simple driver of Agilent 34420A and try to measure voltage. The expected output is either "+/-0.0000112" or "+/-1.12E-5" (in unit mV).
2008-08-15 16:40:24 UTC
Hi John, You cannot use Measurement & Automation Explorer on a Mac. Use the following KnowledgeBase to access the NI 488.2 Interactive Control.

<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/9C9DBA7A3A56B6B686256F4A006FC8DA?OpenDocument" target="_blank">How Do I Find GPIB Devices With NI-488.2 for Mac OS X?</a> &nbsp;You are receiving <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/1D1736BFD24A09878625742500241386?OpenDocument" target="_blank">Error 1073807202</a> because you do not have NI-VISA installed or there was an error in installation. You can install NI-VISA from the link below. Please check the readme to make sure the operating system and LabVIEW version is compatible with the driver version. &nbsp;<a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/sn/n19:MacOS/q/visa/sb/navsRel/lang/en" target="_blank">NI-VISA</a> &nbsp;Thank you,
2008-08-14 15:40:15 UTC
Hi Dennis, Thank you very much for your suggestion. I tried to use VISA, however, error out show an error status &quot;-1073807202&quot;. Do you have any idea on this? Thanks.
Dennis Knutson
2008-08-14 16:10:18 UTC
You get that error when you don't have NI-VISA installed.&nbsp;I don't think using VISA will help your problem though. That would seem to be a configuration problem (i.e. with the instrument). As I mentioned, before you start writing any LabVIEW code, you should be issuing all of the commands in MAX and doing the debug there. Start with a simple query such as *IDN?. Then after you have sent a couple of commands, do an ERR? query to see if the instrument complains about any of the commands you have sent. Double check the manual to see if there is a command that needs to be sent to format the data returned (i.e. as text or binary).
2008-08-14 17:10:11 UTC
Hi Dennis, Thank you.I don't know how to use MAX, would you please give me the instructions in details? Thanks.
Dennis Knutson
2008-08-14 17:40:11 UTC
When you start MAX, on the left side you should see something called Devices and Interfaces. You can expand that and see the GPIB board listed. You can right click on it and select Scan for Instruments. This is actually something that should have been done after the installation of the GPIB board and driver. Once your instrument is detected, you can right click on that and select communicate with instrument (or something to that effect). You will get a popup that has three tabs if I remember correctly. One is query, one is write, and one is read. Use the query for any instrument command that you expect a response. I believe the default command there is *IDN?. The command also has a \r\n for sending a CR\LF. Your instrument does not need this. It would only be required for old GPIB instruments.
2008-08-14 18:40:12 UTC
Dennis, I'm sorry that I cannot find MAX in my system.By the way, in my instrument library (Labview 6, MAC), there is a HP34401a, but without 34420A. Does that affect the results? Thanks.
Dennis Knutson
2008-08-14 19:10:14 UTC
MAX is short for Measurement and Automation Explorer. I was also assuming that this program existed for the Mac. If you don't have it, I'm not sure what else you could use in it's place.&nbsp;The driver on the palette does not affect anything at all.
2008-08-14 19:40:13 UTC
Dennis, I'm sorry I cannot find Measurement and Automation Explore in MAC. Thanks anyway!
2008-08-15 19:40:24 UTC
Hi Simran, Thank you very much for your suggestion!I don't have &quot;Interactive Control&quot; option in my NI-488.2. My system is MAC OS 8.1. I have a NI-488.2 Test. Is that the similar function? Thanks