2008-08-14 16:10:17 UTC
Hi! This is another problem with LabVIEW 7.11I have an app to generate an arbitrary waveform from data files on a HP 33220A. Have loaded, installed and configured the apropriate hp33120-IVI-driver and tested it with with the example IviFgen [ARB] - Generate Arb Worked fine. Than I built my own app using a flat sequence and literally copied the content of that example into the last sequence frame. Worked as well. Built an app and installer and moved that to a different machine, together with the IVI configuration file *.xml. There I got an 'unspecified error at node xxx - VI was stopped'. And gues what, at he very next day the same happend when I opened my VI on the devellopment machine. The example, however, which is really the very same code, still works, so my IVI config should be OK. I have searched the forum but with no success. Any idea?BTW, I have asked another, maybe related Q 'IVI logical name as Variant' at the LV forum: . Maybe someone stumbled across this and found a solution?Greetings from Germany!