(too old to reply)
2008-08-04 11:10:09 UTC
Hello guys
I have a software in ADA langueage that use IVI-C to connect different instrumentos using IVI-Class instrumentos of NI dll. I have made the binding for the headers files and its run correctly.
My problem is with IVI-COM, i create a Instance with SessionFactory in ADA, but i dont know how to convert it en an instruments object (IVIDCPWR for example).
I convert the type directle and the Add_Ref and Release methods runs correctly, but when i call Initialize method to connect to the instrument, i have a exception
Anybody can help me? please
2008-08-04 13:40:11 UTC
Hello Geodo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; What specific instrument models are you using the IVI-COM drivers for?&nbsp; If you want to use the IVI-C Class Drivers, you should use the IVI-C Instrument Specific Drivers for your instruments (if they are available).&nbsp; If not, you should enable the IVI-COM Adapters when installing the IVI Compliance Package.&nbsp; Here is a <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/5499F9DBD07522F686256F260066BA86?OpenDocument" target="_blank">KB about the IVI-COM Adapters</a>. Cheers,NathanT
2008-08-05 07:40:10 UTC
Hello Nathan
If i use IVI-COM Adapters, i can use IVI-C functions to control IVI-COM drivers???
2008-08-05 23:10:07 UTC
Hello Geodo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The IVI-COM Adapters allow you to use the IVI-C Class Drivers with IVI-COM Specific Drivers.&nbsp; Did you have a chance to read the KB that I provided a link to?Thanks,Nathan
2008-08-06 08:40:10 UTC
Hello Nathan
Yes i have readen the KB, but i don't find more information about IVI-COM adapter and i don't know how to use it.
What i need to do to use IVI-COM Adapters???
2008-08-06 22:10:10 UTC
Hello Geodo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Remember, if there is an IVI-C Specific Driver for your instrument, you should use that first.&nbsp; There is an IVI-C Specific Driver for your 6700.&nbsp; Are you using any other instruments that don't have an IVI-C Specific Driver?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To use the IVI-COM Adapters, you need to have the IVI-COM specific driver session correctly configured (I recommend using MAX).&nbsp; Some IVI-COM Specific driver installers will add a driver session, some will require you to create a new one.&nbsp; It is very important to make sure that the IVI-COM Specific Driver works by itself before trying to use it through the COM Adapters.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The main thing that is different in the configuration of an IVI-COM Driver session is the software tab of the driver session and the settings of the software module.&nbsp; You can try installing the 34401 IVI-COM driver from Agilent's website and looking at the settings to get an idea of what your other driver settings should be.Cheers,NathanT
2008-08-07 07:40:11 UTC
Hi Nathan
The 6700 is only an example, i want an applications that can interchange all ivi drivers (IVI COM or IVI C).
I have installed 34401 driver, but i see my config store and there is not a new driver session created by&nbsp;it software module. How can i see the settings??
2008-08-07 11:10:12 UTC
Hi Nathan
Its curious, but i have an application in ADA, using IVI-C (bindings of headers), and i probe using a intruments that use ivi-com driver (Agilent661xx)
and its running correctly (only, a method is not supported)&nbsp;and i don`t have&nbsp;dome anything to adapter IVI-COM
And other IVI-COM driver dont runs
2008-08-07 13:40:13 UTC
Hello Geodo,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You will probably need to refresh MAX.&nbsp; I generally just close MAX when I am installing IVI Specific Drivers so there is not any confusion on&nbsp; which program updated the Config Store last.&nbsp; I have attached screenshots of the 34401 COM driver installed on my system.Cheers,NathanT<img src="Loading Image..."> <img src="Loading Image..."> Message Edited by NathanT on 08-07-2008 08:36 AM


2008-08-08 07:40:09 UTC
Hi Nathan
I see a new software module for Agilent3401, but its not give me informations about how to use the IVI-COM Adapters.
I think that i shouldn't change the software modules?
My questions is, if i have to include at my software the ivicomadapterer dll like i include the ivic dll, or i have to include other file ¿¿¿????
How i say you in the past post, i have an ivicom driver which run with ivic functions (only a functions is not supported), and its only ivi-com, dont have an ivic dll...
And there's other ivicom drivers that dont run
Im confused
2008-08-08 14:40:15 UTC
Hello Geodo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As I said in my previous post:" To use the IVI-COM Adapters, you need to have
the IVI-COM specific driver session correctly configured (I recommend
using MAX).&nbsp; Some IVI-COM Specific driver installers will add a driver
session, some will require you to create a new one.&nbsp; It is very important to make sure that the IVI-COM Specific Driver works by itself before trying to use it through the COM Adapters.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
The main thing that is different in the configuration of an IVI-COM
Driver session is the software tab of the driver session and the
settings of the software module.&nbsp; You can try installing the 34401
IVI-COM driver from Agilent's website and looking at the settings to
get an idea of what your other driver settings should be."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Once your IVI Driver session is configured for the IVI-COM driver, you can just point the logical name to it, save the configuration, and run your application that uses the IVI-C Class Driver.&nbsp; To the best of my knowledge, you don't need to include the IVI-COM Adapter Dll in your application since the IVI-C Class Drivers know when to use it.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If you have an IVI-COM driver that includes an IVI-C wrapper, I recommend using that first.Cheers,NathanT
2008-08-13 10:10:09 UTC
Thanks NAthan
